Congratulations to Tristan Tobin for punching his ticket to state! He will wrestle for 3rd place this afternoon. Great job, Tristan!

Gabe Stock has punched his ticket to state! He will wrestle for 3rd place this afternoon. Great job, Gabe!

Logan Burt punched the first ticket to state! He will wrestle in the district championship match this afternoon. Congratulations, Logan!

Final day of District C-3 Wrestling and we have 7 wrestlers still battling! Matches resume at 9:00am. Let's go Tigers!! 🤼

Preschool buddies with our 6th graders! Today they were practicing counting and 1:1 correspondence, meeting both academic and social learning goals for our students! Way to go Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Carlson!

Best of luck to our Tiger Wrestlers as they compete in day one of the C-3 District Tournament. Wrestle tough, Tigers!
🤼 District Wrestling
🕔 4:00pm
💻 www.trackwrestling.com
📍 Bison Activities Dome (Central City)

🏀 Girls & Boys JV/Varsity
🆚 Fort Calhoun Pioneers
🕔 4:30pm JV Boys (old gym)
🕔 5:20pm Varsity Girls (new gym)
🕔 6:45pm Unified Basketball (new gym)
🕔 7:30pm Varsity Boys (new gym)
📍 Fort Calhoun High School

The BSN clothing store for the high school track and field team is currently open and will close on Monday February 13th. JH Track and Field athletes, along with anyone else, are more than welcome to purchase from the store as well. If you have any questions, please email Coach Klein at tklein@thtigers.org. Thank you all in advance for your support.

Last home game for these 5 seniors tonight! Good luck, T-H!
🏀 Girls & Boys JV/Varsity
🆚 North Bend Central
🕔 4:30pm JV Girls & Boys
🕔 6:00pm Varsity Girls
🕔 7:30pm Varsity Boys
💻 https://www.youtube.com/@tekamah-hermanschools8273/featured

Happy National School Counseling Week to our school counselors, Mrs. Jodi Hansen & Ms. Nishja Nuss! We recognize and appreciate their impact in helping students achieve success, plan for careers, and enhance social and emotional well-being. Thank you for inspiring and empowering our students!

One last go around before districts next weekend! Good luck Tigers!
🤼 Varsity Tournament
🕔 9:30am

Good luck to the Tiger Speech Team in Homer today!

Here is a CORRECTED schedule of events for the Alumni Pep Band on Tuesday, February 7th! Please email Miss Fisher with any questions.

Here is the schedule of events for the Alumni Pep Band on Tuesday, February 7th! Please email Miss Fisher with any questions.

Effective 1/1/2023, the IRS has increased the rate for reimbursable mileage to 65.5 cents per mile driven. Please begin using the attached reimbursement form for your monthly mileage requests. Tekamah-Herman school district patrons who live outside city limits are eligible to claim miles driven to and from the closest school or bus pick-up point. If you have any questions on eligibility, please contact the Superintendent's office at 402.374.2157.

Alumni band students: you have one more day to sign up to play in the
Alumni Pep Band on February 7th! Please email Miss Fisher (hfisher@thtigers.org) by February 1st to sign up.

🏀 Varsity Boys - EHC Tourney
🆚 Pender Pendragons
🕔 6:00pm
💻 https://www.youtube.com/@madisonpublicschools9272/featured
📍 Madison High School

Wrestlers are in action at HOME again tonight... see you there! Go Tigers!
🤼 Varsity Dual
🆚 Conestoga Cougars
🕔 6:00pm
💻 https://www.youtube.com/@tekamah-hermanschools8273/featured
📍 THS (south gym)

Mrs. Smith has her students practicing finding area and perimeter by creating their own playgrounds. These kind of real-world connections make learning STICK for our students. Way to go Mrs. Smith!

East Husker Conference tourney time!
🏀 Varsity Girls
🆚 Bancroft-Rosalie Panthers
🕔 7:30pm
💻 https://striv.tv/channel/bancroft-rosalie/
📍 Bancroft-Rosalie High School